Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Week 2 - Picasso Museum

So its week 2 in Barcelona, and I have to say so far so good, way better than week 1 and things have definitely been looking up except being sick...

Yesterday we went to the Forum which was awesome architecture, both the place and exhibitions inside. In addition, we got to see a 3d model of all of Barcelona and a little bit of its outskirts which was breathtaking. Unfortunately I did not have my camera with me at the time, so I don't have any pictures of that. I do plan on going back however, so I'll try to post pictures up later.

Today we went to the Picasso Museum to sketch and also look at his paintings. I do have pictures of this, but only the outside because inside pictures are not allowed. Overall though this week has been pretty good and has me excited for the rest to come. I'm also posting pictures of a project we had due today which we all collaborated on, and it came out very well.

Well I hope to post soon!


  1. Cito
    now we see some amazing pictures! Glad things are how they should be.

  2. Good drawings! Keep up the good work.
