Friday, January 23, 2009

More Gaudi Pics!!!

Antoni Gaudi!!!!

So after wanting to do something and the weather being nice out, Mike and I decided to talk away to Casa Battlo, Casa Mila, and La Sagrada Familia all in one shot, and lets just say that it was amazing. The architecture is definitely breathtaking and overall insane. I could not believe something of that sort could be made. We took pictures and I'll post some samples on here, but they do not capture the true essence of seeing it in person. Well I'm planning to visit Sagrada Familia tomorrow morning to get some day shots, so I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Week 2 - Picasso Museum

So its week 2 in Barcelona, and I have to say so far so good, way better than week 1 and things have definitely been looking up except being sick...

Yesterday we went to the Forum which was awesome architecture, both the place and exhibitions inside. In addition, we got to see a 3d model of all of Barcelona and a little bit of its outskirts which was breathtaking. Unfortunately I did not have my camera with me at the time, so I don't have any pictures of that. I do plan on going back however, so I'll try to post pictures up later.

Today we went to the Picasso Museum to sketch and also look at his paintings. I do have pictures of this, but only the outside because inside pictures are not allowed. Overall though this week has been pretty good and has me excited for the rest to come. I'm also posting pictures of a project we had due today which we all collaborated on, and it came out very well.

Well I hope to post soon!

Friday, January 16, 2009

1 Week of Being Here

Wow so it's been 1 week already. Right now I couldn't tell you if that is a good thing or a bad thing because it was long, but I guess also fast. So much has happened within the past week both good and bad, which definitely made me question my being here as bad as that may sound. However, I am trying to keep a positive attitude and keep moving forward. I want to thank all those who have heard me out and for giving me their love and support, I will continue on this journey, which I know at the end will be well worth it. For now that is all, thanks again and talk to you later.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

My 2 Days Here & Things I've Seen So Far

So its my 2nd day here so far and lets just say its at least been better than the 1st.
The 1st day, my friends and I got off the plane and thinking we were getting to meet up with other friends waited an hour an a half. So, we just said lets just head to studio. After actually somewhat fitting all of our stuff into a cab (all 8 big bags and the 6 small bags) the cab caught a flat on the highway... That wasn't anymore helpful to deal with stress as we had to take all the bags out to change the tire. After standing in a highway lane for a long time, we were able to arrive near our destination, from which there we walked and found somewhat easily. It is then there that I witnessed my 1st pickpocketing incident against someone from our group. The guys were not able to take anything as I caught on early on and asked him what he was doing. They came up with some lie and speedily got out. It was a little nerve wracking and I wanted to go home after that, but my friends all said thanks and good eye and it made me feel better. SO, after all that drama, my friends and I reached our apartment easily, after stopping every block for a quick breath. Once we made it here we tried to unpack quickly and turn on the heaters as the apartment is an icebox/kind of still is. Then we proceeded to go out to buy a few things and eat. We then came back until we had to go to our group dinner in the night, which was nice. However, what was not so nice was being locked out of our own bathroom which had the shower because the latch was broken, but we "fixed" that problem. Anyway, we went to a Tapas place and had lots of food all around, even wine, which was alright. Afterwards my friends and I went to experience the night life, which I called early for myself as I was tired from the long day I had. Some day huh?

My 2nd day was not so bad, woke up went to our teachers for breakfast and discuss what our semester would look like. Afterwards, our teacher walked us thru the city and then to the beach, which was nice and really relaxing after all that happened. My roommates and I then left the group to eat as we were hungry, and now we are back here at the apartment, after taking a nap.
Well I hope you found this entertaining and exciteful. I hope I am able to keep you up to date frequently and if you have any questions, feel free to comment and ask. Later.