Sunday, April 26, 2009

My Second to Last Week - Casa Batllo and Colonia Guell

So this past week on top of all the studio work I have to do, I was able to see two more of Antoni Gaudi's works. Casa Batllo, another one of his houses with a fully decked out interior, and Colonia Guell an unfinished church, which will probably never get fully built (only the crypt church part is built). Casa Batllo is pretty amazing as far as interiors go, every little detail is decorated. They even had two books where you could write something in ( you will see what I wrote!). The roof was pretty cool, but Casa Mila's roof was much more ipressive.

Colonia Guell is also very impressive and is a shame that it wasn't built. It would've been incredible to see the whole Church built. I also have some pictures so make sure you check those out too. Well this is probably my second to last post as the end is near.

Monday, April 20, 2009


So here it is, my last trip in Europe. I can't believe that I go home soon :-( ... its going to be weird after living here for all this time. What I can't believe even more is that I actually got to go Rome. I would have never thought I would have been here. This whole time here in Europe has been a dream come true. Sometimes I can't even find the words to describe how I am feeling. Well needless to say Rome was awesome. It was nice to see several of my close friends who I missed very much. Of course I wish they had come 2 Barcelona instead, but if it wasn't for them being in Rome I probably would not have visited.

I saw several things in Rome, such as, the Spanish Steps, the Pantheon, the Roman Forum, the Palatine Hill, the Coliseum, the Vatican, etc. It was amazing to walk around and just be able to see all of these ancient ruins. The Coliseum and Pantheon I have to say were my favorites, probably the Coliseum more than anything because the way I felt while in it was indescribable. Interesting fact about Rome: apparently if you went to a different church every day for a year, you would not see all of the churches in Rome, thats how many churches there are. Well I hope you enjoy the pictures and enjoyed reading this. This may be my second to last post :-( ... Until next time.